Explorers, a Global Brotherhood
Since its creation in 1956, the UIGSE sees in the Scouting method a means to work for an authentic brotherhood among the peoples of Europe. Over time, the desire for fraternity within the UIGSE has extended far beyond Europe. The current brotherhood reaches out to scouts and explorers from other nations, forging bonds beyond cultural differences.
The F.N.E. is an aspiring member of the Union Internationale des Guides et Scouts d'Europe (UIGSE)
With 73.000 young people spread across 27 countries, the UIGSE contributes to the formation of a community of faith, prayer, and action among Explorers, Pathfinders, Guides, and Scouts from all nations. This international dimension comes to life during international gatherings (e.g., Eurojam, Euromoot) or exchanges (e.g., twinning). Children and young people can experience the joy of unconditional hospitality.