Portrait du Père Jacques Sevin lisant en tenue de scout
Father Jacques Sevin

The sense of God is an integral part of the Explorer method designed by Lord Baden-Powell. Under the influence of Father Jacques Sevin, who maintained close relationships with Baden-Powell, facilitated in particular by his perfect knowledge of English, exploring was imported to France and took on a Catholic dimension.

Remaining faithful to the vision of Baden-Powell and Father Jacques Sevin, the FNE helps children live and progress in their faith. The Timber Wolf pedagogy is based on the Gospel. The text of the promise ("I promise to do my best to be faithful to God..."), the rules of life are means to include faith at the heart of our activities.

A priest, a religious advisor, assists the timber wolf leadership team. Depending on his availability, he intervenes to speak about the faith.

Portrait de Lord Robert Baden-Powell en uniforme de scount
Lord Robert Baden-Powell
Les groupes Brooklyn FNE à la sortie de la messe posent pour la photo devant l’église
After Sunday's mass with Brooklyn FNE